Most Affordable 4 Star Adults only Al-Inclusive in Dominican Republic.
How Was It…? Was it Worth it? Loacted close to La Romana Airport and Santo Domingo the Capital of Dominican Republic.
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FINDING FISH MikeJenn Fisher
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There’s only 1 spot left this week! Let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll send you the details.
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Md Jony Hossan
Would miss the beach for sure but does look like a nice resort. What is the tipping like? I am very familiar with Cuba but not having been to DR not sure what their expectations would be e.g. at the buffet, food truck etc. Thanks Peter
Nice to see you headed somewhere other than cuba!
We are going the end of March and it is expensive to fly from the East Coast. I hope it is a hidden gem and worth the price!
This hotel keeps showing up on my feed but the reviews are absolutely terrible so I’m happy you’re going and will give an honest opinion.