39 Replies to “Travel Dominican Republic: Girls and Deserted Beaches

  1. Hot young woman in backward third world countries. Try not get gang raped by locals late at night. Don't get outraged, it does happen more than you think

  2. 06/02/18 This is Kervin, and I love you too. Luke 10:18, is what I'm looking at. Adam did not invite Satan here. And there is no contract (covenant) between the man and Satan. I don't even see where the man and Satan ever spoke at all. I do not see any place where Adam asked "Satan,  will you be god of this world"? " Will you  separate us from God"? " Will you teach us to lie, and to hate our follow man"? "Teach us to steal, cheat and murder "?  " Teach us how to pave paradise and put up a parking lot"?. "Will you bring stress, and depression upon us"? The man loved his wife and followed her. The woman never was introduced to all of God's creatures like Adam, so she did not know that none talked. Satan did not deal with the man because Adam met and named all of the animals and none of them talked to him. I believe if Satan spoke to the man, Adam would have said "God will be here soon, we'll see what He says". "Okay"? LOOK!!! Ps 115:16 This says God gave the earth to us. Well shouldn't we have the right to say what goes on down here. I say" no mark of the beast, no anti Christ" . I wouldn't ever do anyone like that. Satan hates God and he hates us. Why should Satan have his way? Matt 8:29, those demons foretold their own future. Let us continue to pray and ask God to cast all evil spirits into hell early, before the time. Who could they complain to? I'm starting some new sayings "As for me and my country we will serve The Lord" and " I'm a Christian and I don't care who knows about it". I want America to be the first Nation to cast out Satan. I want president Trump to say "Satan you're the god of this world, well you're FIRED"!!! "Get out of America and stay out".  I'm in the central time zone, where ever you are, join me everyday in prayer at 9:00pm.  Together I believe we can get God to do a new thing and cast Satan into hell early.  I think if Jesus loved me enough to die on the cross for me, He can do this too.  Lord let your kingdom come. let your will be done.

  3. I stayed in the Dominican Republic for 7 days the ocean water was not clear the hotels it was an all exclusive called chic the sheets were not clean the rooms were dirty the people are nice but it is a third world country I did not feel safe outside of the resort and would not go back we had many complaints and they just blew them off the hotel manager acted like he was just there to have a good time and would never take care of the problems they would continue happening day after day

  4. Wow, ANY beach with Sonia in a Bikini is a Win.
    I love the DR. It is right up there with Barbados and Martinique for a good time Island getaway. Belize used to be awesome, especially for a Scuba Diving nut like me, before a family friend bought a Resort there. His name was Jack and then was approached by Fox to do a Reality show at his Resort called Temptation Island. After that, the whole place became a Tourist Trap and some areas, just off the beachfront, became unsafe.

  5. This video is very deceiving. There is a reason the beaches in Monte Cristi are deserted. The water is only 2 feet deep at the beaches and the water temp is about 100 degrees. Also, Monte Cristi is far from any area tourists go to. It's 3 or 4 hours drive from Santiago, Puerto Plata and Sosua. If I went here based on this video, I would not be happy with Sonia.

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