1. Is good you are showing the streets of Medellín, I am from the Canary Islands, better not to greet people in the big cities because you will not get any reply in any latin american country, it also applies here, you will get conversation only in small villages. And we know that you are trying to get conversation because you are a tourist and you want to socialize with local people but you do not do this in your country right? saying Hi to everyone on the streets, local people know this as well, we are not retarded, only sellers or prostitutes or someone who wants something from you will talk to you.

  2. 0:20 Bro paid her to do that for a thumbnail. It's too much of a coincidence that she happened to turn around as soon as he starts walking that direction. Pretending to look in that business establishment. 😂

  3. Could someone please tell me why people keep saying Columbia isn't safe but yet I see YouTubers carrying cameras out in downtown. I'm confused. I guess I will have to visit for myself. I do know not to wear jewelry I don't do that anyway. And not to bring a girl home. I don't do that either. I'm skinny and I dress like I'm poor

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