Adventure Tour – Dominican Republic
This photo was taken on an ISV Adventure Tour in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
This photo was taken on an ISV Adventure Tour in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
El dominicano Robinson Canó. Fuente externa. EL NUEVO DIARIO, MÉXICO.- El dominicano Robinson Canó y Trevor Bauer, exfiguras de las Grandes Ligas, lideran a los...
Punta Rucia, a small fishing village in the Dominican Republic, is a hidden gem that offers pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a laid-back atmosphere. Travelers...
Santiago, Dominican Republic Posted by mmulliniks on 2018-09-18 04:25:05 Tagged: , Sony , A73 , A7III , Zeiss , Batis , 85mm , Sigma ,...
Personal médico transporta los cuerpos de las víctimas a los vehículos en el recinto de conciertos Crocus City Hall tras un atentado terrorista en Krasnogorsk,...
Located on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, Punta Rucia is a hidden gem that offers a tranquil and blissful escape from the hustle...
This photo was taken on an ISV Adventure Tour in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
EL NUEVO DIARIO, MARÍA TRINIDAD SÁNCHEZ. – Captado en cámara quedó grabado el estado de precariedades en que se encuentra hospital Dr. Antonio Yapor Heded...
Nestled on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic lies the hidden gem of Punta Rucia. This small fishing village may not be as well...
Where? Dominican Republic. Why? Peace Corps. When? August 2014 – October 2016 Posted by claire dal nogare on 2016-07-15 18:41:17 Tagged: , DR , Dominican...