31 Replies to “Puerto Rican Food 🇵🇷 or Dominican Food 🇩🇴? #travel #puertorico #dominicanrepublic

  1. As a gringo, Puerto Ricans do it better no offense to the Dominicans. Although, visited both Island, Much rather be at Dominican Republic because food is cheaper and the restores always the best.

  2. Not gonna lie, getting food from a restaurant and not from a street vendor or a special place on wheels restaurant in America just feels wrong. My partner and her mother put me onto some of the best Puerto Rican food that I’ve ever had from places that were low key or on wheels. If you do another review you gotta do it that way

  3. Not a fair comparison, mofongo it’s a complete dish by itself, plantains are mashed with lots of garlic, other spices and there’s usually meat added while mangu it’s the main part of a dish usually eaten with pickled onions, salami, eggs and Dominican fried cheese, not by itself. So of course if you compare mofongo with plain mangu mofongo is gonna be tastier, mangu it’s eaten with sides. 😊

  4. Bro! both of these dishes are very good and we both make them and it also depends on where you go. Everyone makes it a little different

  5. You have to try the mangu with pickled onions salami and eggs maybe even the fried cheese and the mofongo with some type of meat next time. A lot of Hispanics we put chicharon on it

  6. Mofongo is a dish created in Puerto Rico at the beginning of the century. Dominicans tried to copy the recipe and served it to USA soldiers who tasted it and said “man, this is good” when they returned and asked for more and couldn’t recall the Dominicans asked if they wanted more “man good” That became Mangú, which in reality doesn’t exist. It’s just a cheap imitation of the original Mofongo. You’ve just been school on PR 101 cuisine history. Next lesson will be on the fact that PR invented the Bachata…

  7. Okay, but you can't judge whether Dominican or Puerto has better cuisine based on a single dish from two restaurants. I'm sure there are places the make better versions of both dishes.

    Obviously you can't try hundreds or thousands of versions of either dish, but maybe try the best from consensus. I'll bet anything they're not in Miami.

  8. not gonna lie i fuck with Dominican food more. Mangu and mofongo aint really two things to compare tho especially the way he had it. he need the onions with the mangu and the meat or shrimp with the mofongo to really be able to judge them

  9. Both of them are two different dishes. They both come from plantains but they are make different. We dominicans also make mofongo and it’s really good as so good as the Puerto Rican one.

  10. 🤦🏽‍♂️ as a Panamanian/Dominican man this was so hard to hear & watch.

    How you gon compare the foods & get two different dishes ??

    They BOTH make Mofongo & Mangu !

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