Volunteer Projects – Dominican Republic
This photo was taken on an ISV Volunteer Project in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
This photo was taken on an ISV Volunteer Project in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
Where? Dominican Republic. Why? Peace Corps. When? August 2014 – October 2016 Posted by claire dal nogare on 2016-07-15 18:41:18 Tagged: , DR , Dominican...
This photo was taken on an ISV Volunteer Project in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
This photo was taken on an ISV Adventure Tour in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
This photo was taken on an ISV Volunteer Project in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
This photo was taken on an ISV Volunteer Project in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
This photo was taken on an ISV Adventure Tour in the Dominican Republic. Be rewarded with smiles and laughter as you help to improve the...
Where? Dominican Republic. When? August 2014 – October 2016. Why? Peace Corps. Posted by claire dal nogare on 2016-05-18 23:15:56 Tagged: , Dominican Republic ,...
Where? Dominican Republic. When? August 2014 – October 2016. Why? Peace Corps. Posted by claire dal nogare on 2015-02-21 01:58:57 Tagged: , Dominican Republic ,...
This was an entry in the 2010 ISV Photo Competition. To begin your adventure abroad, visit www.isvolunteers.org and apply now! Do you know the exact...